We stand as one with the people of Israel. We mourn the tragic loss of life. We pray for a swift resolution to this violence. 

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Chanukah Night 1: Community Menorah Lighting

Sunday, December 18, 2022, 6:00–6:20 pm


Spread Your Light: Eight Nights, Eight Luminaries

As we light the Chanukah candles each winter, we are reminded of Jewish communities throughout history who never gave up courage and hope, even in the face of discrimination and hatred. Join us each night of Chanukah to light candles, celebrate as a community, and brighten your holiday with visions of hope from luminaries, activists, communal leaders, and educators. This year, against the backdrop of an increasingly fractured and chaotic world, we aim to honor this proud legacy by kindling—and spreading—our own light in the darkness. Tonight, we're joined by Evan Wolfson (Director of Freedom to Marry Global).  

Central members should check their inbox for the Zoom registration link to the community menorah lighting. The public may stream the programs each night via Facebook Live. We look forward to spreading our light together this Chanukah—and carrying the resilient spirit of the holiday year-round.