Project-based learning (PBL)
For grades PreK-6, families can register for either LCLJ Uptown or LCLJ Downtown (after-school), or LCLJ Shabbat (two Saturdays per month).
7th grade can register can register for LCLJ Uptown or LCLJ Downtown. Grades 8-12 can register for LCLJ Uptown exclusively.
LCLJ registration is a benefit of membership. You can register here. We have emailed all households on the waitlist who’ve indicated interest in LCLJ. You can join our waitlist here.
To learn more about becoming a Central member, please visit us here or contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Our flexible options take our teens’ busy lives into consideration, allowing them to stay connected to the Central community on their own schedule. Teens are invited to attend every Tuesday or up to two Tuesdays a month, choosing from the classes below:
• Trip Seminar (with option to attend the Civil Rights/Immigration Justice trip)
• Jewish cooking and culture
• Current events
• Tuesday BBYO (youth group) programming
8th and 9th graders do not have to choose the same classes each month; for example, they can attend current events and BBYO one month, and Jewish cooking and culture and BBYO the next.
Those who plan to attend the Trip must attend the Trip Seminar every month.
You can learn more about our teen programming here.
If you have questions, please reach out to Eve Morin.
YES! Please register for the day that is available in your child's grade and contact us so we can add your child to a waitlist.
LCLJ Shabbat is a family experience for students in grades Pre-K–6. Twice per month, families come together for a Shabbat morning service, learning, and community building led by Cantor Ellen Dreskin with Central educators and Clergy. This is a perfect track for families who want to celebrate Shabbat together with the Central community, or who don’t want to add an additional weekday commitment to their child’s schedule, but who still seek to incorporate Jewish learning. LCLJ Shabbat also has a weekly half-hour online tutoring session run through the Hebrew Homepage at the Jewish Journeys Project and structured to fit the Hebrew needs of your child.
Every pre-K through 6th grade student receives formal Hebrew instruction as part of the LCLJ curriculum. Students in Pre-K through 1st grades receive exposure to Hebrew words sprinkled throughout their curriculum. In 2nd grade, students begin the process of learning Hebrew letters, vowels, and sounds, and putting them together to create small words. Beginning in 3rd grade, students are divided into small groups by level. Decoding begins in 3rd grade and continues through 6th. Learning includes reviewing the Alef-Bet up through learning modern Hebrew. Students in LCLJ Shabbat receive one-on-one Skype tutoring, provided through the Hebrew Homepage at the Jewish Journeys Project and scheduled between parents and tutors.
The LCLJ is a comprehensive program that begins in pre-kindergarten and ends in 12th grade. While students must be enrolled no later than 3rd grade to receive a b’nei mitzvah date in 4th grade, we strongly encourage parents to register their children sooner so as not to miss out on vital learning and community-building opportunities that are the foundation of Jewish education in the upper grades.
Different grades have different cost structures depending on the number of hours they are in class. LCLJ Uptown, LCLJ Downtown, and LCLJ Shabbat have the same price for each grade. Please visit our Registration page for tuition details.
We hope you will support Central Synagogue this High Holy Day season. Contributions to Central Synagogue have a major impact on all of our work, helping make possible our worship services, music, livestream broadcasts, and so much more. Thank you for being part of our Central Synagogue family.