Becoming bat/bar/b’nei mitzvah is a bold step in joining the 3,000-year conversation about living Jewishly.
The Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program at Central provides an intimate and supportive community for students to study liturgy, Hebrew, trope (Torah chanting), and write a d’var Torah, or teaching, with our Clergy. Participants forge close bonds with one another and Central Clergy in a powerful and empowering experience of reading from the Torah in our Sanctuary. All members who have not yet gone through the ritual of bat/bar/b’nei mitzvah are eligible for this program. We expect to begin another cohort in fall 2023. If you'd like to be added to our interest list, please contact Lori Dubin.
When a child is called to the Torah for the first time, it is a simcha, a joy, for the entire community. The bat/bar/b’nei mitzvah calls upon our young adults to read and teach from the Torah and touches on our physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual selves in the most meaningful of ways as we recognize a young person’s entrance into adulthood. Central’s cantors, rabbis, and tutors work closely with families in this process, ensuring each mitzvah is special and deeply meaningful.
Learn more about The Lese Center for Living Judaism, Central's religious school.
Listen to and read the Pre-Torah blessing and Post-Torah blessing (download Hebrew/English transliteration)
After becoming a b’nei mitzvah, students continue their studies in Confirmation class. Central Synagogue was one of the first synagogues to confirm its teenagers. Students reconfirm their commitment to a life of Jewish learning in their 10th-grade year of study with Rabbis Ari Lorge and Rebecca Rosenthal. Our Confirmation class leads our community in our Erev Shavuot service. Learn more about 10th-grade Confirmation, as well as our 8th- and 9th-grade curricula at our LCLJ Curriculum page.
Are you a member interested in renting a room at Central to celebrate your simcha (joyous event)? Visit our Room Rental page to learn more.
Senior Cantor
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(212) 838-5122 x1000
Rabbi, Senior Director of Youth & Family Education
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(212) 838-5122 x4031
Events Manager
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(212) 838-5122 x3002
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