The Lese Center for Living Judaism (LCLJ) focuses on an integrated approach to curriculum with an emphasis on building relationships between congregants, learners, families, and children. These relationships are essential to our lives as Jews and the values we hold.
Our program is open to all Central member families and begins in pre-kindergarten and runs through 12th grade. Students are welcome to join at any point in their learning journey, but are strongly encouraged to begin with pre-K or enroll as early in their education as possible, as each year of our curriculum builds on the previous one.
LCLJ provides a holistic experience where learning builds from one year to the next and where the lines are blurred between “formal” education that happens in the classroom every week and “informal” education that happens outside of it by offering students means and opportunities for learning that are applicable to all aspects of their lives. Our educators are not just instructors, but facilitators of ongoing learning in partnership with our students.
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