We stand as one with the people of Israel. We mourn the tragic loss of life. We pray for a swift resolution to this violence. 

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Our Clergy Respond to Boston Marathon Explosions

April 14, 2013 | General News

As our community grieves with Boston, our senior clergy offer the following words of comfort:

We are tremendously saddened by the tragic news of the bombings at the Boston Marathon. These acts of violence and destruction shake us to our core and leave us struggling to understand, as we mourn the loss of life and pray for those wounded and their families.

Yet, in the midst of this tragedy, heroes also emerged - first responders who ran towards the blast to help, runners who changed course to go to hospitals to give blood, and citizens of Boston who opened their homes to marathoners who needed a place to stay.

On the same day as the bombings, the streets of Jerusalem were strangely quiet as Israelis commemorated Yom HaZikaron, their Day of Memorial, and took time to remember and honor those who died in defense of their homeland.  Then that evening, the same Jerusalem streets were filled with thousands of exuberant Israelis wildly celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut, the 65th anniversary of Israel’s Independence Day.

As Israelis are always mindful of the destructive acts of violence and war, and the powerful, redemptive actions of heroes, so are all

Jews sensitive to the fragility and preciousness of life. With all good people we mourn those who died in the tragedy of the Boston Marathon explosions and pray for speedy recovery for those who were injured.

As members of our board prepare to travel to Israel this week, we are particularly mindful of the fragility and preciousness of life, felt both in Israel and at home.  

Oseh Shalom - May the one who makes Peace in the heavens bring peace to all humankind.

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