We stand as one with the people of Israel. We mourn the tragic loss of life. We pray for a swift resolution to this violence. 

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Practice is Central

February 4, 2019 | Programs and Events

As February arrives, we launch our next Joy is Central theme: Practice is Central. We are often so caught up attending to the demands of daily life that we skip caring for ourselves. Beginning this month, we invite you to experiment with a personal practice (a “practice” in this sense is simply an intentional, regular habit that supports your well being). Watch Cantor Julia Cadrain teach about how we are each created btzelem Elohiom (in God’s image). She encourages you to try creating a brief daily practice that will help you honor your own divine spark and offer your best self to the world.

Ready to take on your own mindfulness practice that will sustain you and bring you joy? Here are some suggestions on how to start:
1) Join Cantor Cadrain for Mindful Movement and Meditation, beginning on Thursday, February 14, (continuing every second Thursday of the month through June) as part of our Soulful Thursdays series.
2) Take part in free, guided, Jewish meditation sessions with The Institute of Jewish Spirituality or A Way In.
3) Want an easy and gentle way to set aside a few minutes for silence? We love this timer.
4) If you and a friend want to keep each other accountable in building your practice, check out HabitShare.
5) Watch the video below, of Cindy Grebow, Director of the May Family Nursery School, for a suggestion on how both adults and kids can use this toy and other tips and tricks to build a mindfulness practice:

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