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Reflection Is Central

April 3, 2019 | Programs and Events

This month, we launch Reflection is Central, our latest theme in our Joy is Central series. We encourage you to take a moment to reflect. Think of your proudest moments, your moments of doubt, and your moments of joy. It’s a chance to take stock of whether you are living the life you want to live. 
Rabbi Nicole Auerbach explains why the period of the Omer is a special time to reflect, in the video Reflection is Central below:


A few more ways to reflect this month:

1) Join Rabbi Nicole Auerbach for Reflection is Central: Embracing the Omer on Tuesday, April 9, 6:00 pm to learn more about the tradition of “counting” the Omer, and the tools our ancestors created for examining who we are and how we live our lives. Register here.

2) Join Cantor Julia Cadrain for Mindful Movement and Meditation on Thursday, April 11, (continuing every second Thursday of the month through June) as part of our Soulful Thursdays series.

3) Want to learn more? Check out this app, which will guide you through the Omer counting process.

4) Lead or join an Omer CORE Group  and use these Omer reflection guides  in a group or with a friend.

5) Try to keep a journal for 49 consecutive nights, starting on April 21. 
6)Watch the video below as some of our LCLJ educators reflect on their first Jewish experiences, and then reflect on your own.

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